Live for nothing or die for something!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

1912 онд Монголд авсан дэлхийн анхны өнгөт зургуудийн нэг:
 Энийг авсан зурагчин маш хүндлүүлж хот айлуудийн ахлагчийн гэрт орсон айргаар дайлуулсан маш муухай амттай байсан тэгээд хэд хэдэн зураг авсан эмэгтэйчүүд нь зураг авхуулахгүй гэсэн боловч ахлагчийнхаа заавраар авхуулж байсан гэжээ. Stéphane Passet, dated 24 July 1912 

Мон зурагчины авсан шийтгүүлж буй Монгол эмэгтэйн зураг:
Иймл байж шүү дээ аймар юм 100 жилийн тэртээ
The image shown is of a female Mongolian prisoner. Passet recorded that she had been imprisoned for adultery but historians have cast doubt on this, as Mongolian culture of the time was thought to be tolerant of adultery.

The purpose of imprisoning people in a box in this way was to allow the nomadic people to transport prisoners from place to place. It was 'portable imprisonment'.

People who took pity on prisoners were allowed to leave them food and water and small bowls can be seen in the photograph, just beyond the reach of the incarcerated woman.

Mongolian historic photos around 1900s

Manlai Baatar Damdinsuren with two of his adjutants. Damdinsuren was Mongolian patriot and nationalist who took part in revival of Mongolian statehood after fall of Ching dynasty in 1911. He was one of commanders who liberated Khovd, capital of western Mongolia from Chinese troops and fought against Chinese in Inner Mongolia.Later, when Mongolian independence was abolished by Chinese warlord Xu Shuzeng in 1919, he was arrested by Chinese and tortured to death in jail. They say, he died standing.

Түүхээр ярих юм бол 100 жил гэдэг бага хугацаа Тэхээр хятадууд манай улсыг саяханыг болтол эзэлж байжээ. Үүний төлөө цогтой тэмцэгч Манлай баатар Дамдинсүрэн. Бид тэднийг гавьяаг мартах учиргүй, эсвэл бид бүгд хятад хэлээр шулганалдаж байх ч юм билүү. Тэрээр эх орныхоо төлөө зогсоогоороо нас өөд болж байжээ.

First car in Mongolia circa 1890-1900

Dondogdulam, last Queen-Mother of Mongolia and queen of 8th Bogd Khaan-last theocratical ruler of Mongolia, before the People's Revolution in 1921
Sukhbaatar Damdin, Mongolian nationalist leader who led the People's Revolution of 1921 posed for a photo with his wife Yanjmaa. He contacted Red Army of Soviet Russia seeking military help to fight against White Guard Russians and Chinese warlords who occupied Mongolia. Under brilliant military command of Sukhbaatar, Mongolian Nationalists chased away foreign troops from Mongolia.Today, Sukhbaatar is remembered as one of greatest Mongolian patriots and nationalist leader who made Mongolia independent after 200 year of Ching rule.

Тэд түүхийг бүтээж сайн цагийг бидэнд авчирав 2011 он

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